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West Sussex businesses are encouraged to take on more apprentices

West Sussex businesses are encouraged to take on more apprentices

Business organisations across West Sussex are being encouraged to offer more apprentices jobs with their company. Apprenticeship schemes can result in great benefits for both the employer and the apprentice.

With youth unemployment at an all time high, if every business in West Sussex employed one apprentice it would help to make an impact on reducing these levels. The scheme would also help with business growth at a time when economic prospects aren’t looking too bright. Companies could take on apprentices to help grow their business, train them up from a young age, teach them valuable work skills, which will inturn make them more employable in the future. These young people will be given a chance to discover where their talents lie.

The Financial and Legal Skills Partnership (FLSP) have been backing the idea for some time, and have even offered training and resources to companies that want to employ more apprentices. Recent research revealed that more employers are keen to work with young people in education, developing their skills and professional experience to prepare them for life in the workplace. Many believe there need to be tighter links between the education system and the job world. FLSP offer a virtual work experience programme (GetInGetOn), where businesses can mentor a student through the virtual world, allowing them the chance to learn more about the financial services sector whilst understanding what skills and qualifications are needed for employment.

Apprenticeship schemes are a great way for employers and young people to work together and will benefit both parties enormously. The number of young people looking for work is on the up, but how are they supposed to secure a job without the necessary skills and training? With the costs of going to University rocketing, perhaps in the future we will see more young people opting to go down the vocational route. If this is the case, then more businesses need to be open to the apprenticeship schemes and offer these sorts of opportunities to our youth.

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